I am Anise

I am Anise (aged 13),

I am not always willing to run but when I do I enjoy it a lot. Running for me is a release, a day of hard work and then coming into the fresh air and letting your legs run wild.

I am mainly an 800m runner but I run lots of different distances to help with strength and endurance like lots of other runners.


I look up to lots of people such as Caster Semenya but I mainly look up to my coach Enid Johnstone. Enid has not only taken my crazy personality under her wing and she has made me my best. My training usually consists of 300s, 200s and 400s which works for me. I push myself hard in training and I am tired afterwards but have worked up a quick recovery. This is also because of the core work and hill training... I hate core. That's a fact, but in the last 2 years I have gone from being able to do plank for 10 seconds to doing it for 1 minute 30 seconds.

My times have also got better but slowly. In 2017 I finished the season with 2.29 for my 800, then in 2018 I reached 2.25. This year I have started off the season with 2.21 and I hope to reach sub 2.20. I think this is because of my training and hard work.

This year I also got the incredible opportunity to run for Scotland in the schools internationals, this was the best experience in my life so far. It was fun and scary but I am proud of my result and I would love to do it again.

I would love to know what kind of training others find most useful. Personally, I think track sessions and core are the best. However, it's good to do swimming and cycling to strengthen other muscles.

Last of all always run because you love it; not to cross the finish line and never stop running!
